Thursday, December 4, 2008

So I just beat Chrono Trigger again...

This game is awesome, like in every way. Graphics, story, gameplay. Seriously. But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to nerd it the Hell up right now. Here goes.

So, you go through these time gates to specific points of time, hence the name "Chrono Trigger." However it would appear that the gates travel through time along with you, becuase if you spend a day in the year 1000 A.D. and then go to the year 600 A.D., a day will have passed in that time as well. This makes the story-telling far easier. HOWEVER, this rule does not apply to all gates. There is one in a bucket at the End of Time that will take you to the "Day of Lavos,":

Lavos is the last boss. But you see, no matter when you decide to use this gate, it will always be to the exact same moment in time: right when Lavos is attacking the planet. It doesn't make sense. Between the first and second visits to 600 A.D., Zenan Bridge is repaired, but this other gate thinks it can break all of the rules. Lame. Well, whatever. Play the fuck out of this game. It is marvelous. There's a frog knight named Frog! That's awesome!


Lydian said...

so you beat the game AGAIN. what a waste of time. you could have written an awesome song. you know, about a woman leaving her husband, or the neighbor's jealous wife going on a murdering frenzy...that's the kinda stuff that's productive. get on it! the words don't have to come first, you know.

secondly, remember in high school how you made up those rules about making mixed CDs (rules you probably still live by)
well, remember that rule that was like no more than three songs by the same artist on one mix (and if you do have three don't make 'em back to back)

Well, this is the second blog about playing a video game. in addition to the blog in between those, that was about the music from a video game. (which was okay because i liked the picture of nobuo uematsu) i want you to change it up for the next blog.

i'll wait for it.

nick said...

dylan, i believe that you should write whatever you want to write. have you ever played dwarf fortress? it's one of the most rewarding games i've ever played and you can find it here for free:

if you have any questions, ask me about it.

Dylan Thomas B. said...

This blog is about video games. That's the point of this website. I was wondering if anyone would actually notice. I just didn't want to say anything.

AND I have been making stuff up. No real melodies or anything, but stuff that I could do something with... once the proper material has been placed before me!!!

AND no, I've never played Dwarf Fortress, but I think you showed it to me once. I remember it looking really basic, but awesome anyway.

Lydian said...

oh. well after you told me your dylan thom B band name joke, i thought this might be a blog about that..or music..or something...

alright fine. this blog is about video games. i accept that. but for the record i was way more interested in your live journal account.

and for your information i've come up with melodies but now words....
it's hard to write a song when the story and point doen't exist yet!